Indian cricket legend Kapil Dev has shown some tough love to Rishabh Pant after his car accident in December last year. Pant sustained a lot of injuries and will be out of action for a long time.
Kapil Dev has shown some tough love towards Rishabh Pant (Courtesy: PTI)
By India Today Web Desk: Kapil Dev has expressed that while he loves Rishbah Pant, he isn’t happy with the wicketkeeper’s car accident and said he would ‘slap him’ for his mistake.
Pant was involved in a horrific car accident on 30th December when his vehicle hit a divider on the Delhi-Dehradum highway and caught fire. The 25-year-old sustained a lot of injuries which required surgery and is expected to be out of action for a lengthy period.
Pant was India’s highest run-getter in Tests last year and was expected to nail a spot in the squad for the ODI World Cup 2023. However, his lengthy absence has unsettled the combination for the Indian team, which doesn’t sit well with Dev.
The Indian cricket legend and World Cup winner, as quoted by Hindustan Times, said that while he loves Pant a lot he would go and slap him once the wicketkeeper gets well.
Dev feels that the 25-year-old’s injury has spoiled the combination of the whole team. The legend went on to say that while there is love and affection for Pant, he is also angry at him for making such mistakes.
“I love him very much. I want him to get well and when he gets well If you go, I will go and slap you hard, because take care of yourself. Look, your injury has spoiled the combination of the whole team. That’s why there is love and affection that you get well soon. Then there is also anger that such mistakes today’s youth Why do boys do it? There should be a slap for that too,” said Dev.
Pant had posted an update about his health on Tuesday on his Instagram story and said he feels so blessed to be able to just sit and breathe in fresh air.
“Never knew just able to sit out and breathe fresh air feels so blessed,” said Pant on Instagram.
Published On:
Feb 8, 2023